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Sears Homepage!!!
I hope you have found it informative.
I hope you have found the information contained on this site useful and interesting as well as easy to find. The main purpose of this site is to make information available to people around the world that are looking for information about the Sears Automobile.
Please fill out the form below and let me know what you think. If you have suggestions for the site, let me know that as well so I can make this site as useful as possible.
If you have a specific question that needs and answer, then sending me an email may be a faster option. I try to respond to these postings if I can, but I make no guarantees.
Thanks for taking the time to sign in!
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Your Name: |
Paul Daley |
Your Location: |
Melbourne, Australia |
Date: |
2014-12-06 14:46:51 |
Comments[253]: This is a great site for not only Sears
information but also a resource guide.
I am surprised that some suppliers don't
seem to have a web site, however if it
was possible to give an email address
that would be helpful.
Your Name: |
larry matthews |
Your Location: |
tallassee alabama |
Date: |
2014-11-17 09:35:56 |
Comments[252]: love the insight on sears moter buggy
Your Name: |
Ken Jensen |
Your Location: |
KensMobileHotRodRepair.com |
Date: |
2014-11-08 15:00:36 |
Comments[251]: Awesome Website!! History Preserved For Us All. Thank You!
Your Name: |
MB |
Your Location: |
San Jose, CA |
Date: |
2014-09-16 13:50:11 |
Comments[250]: I just saw the #1 Krotz at San Jose History Park - Vintage Car Show last weekend - I'm not sure the wind driven speedo was an original piece of equipment ? Quite impressive !
Your Name: |
David Tipton |
Your Location: |
Texas |
Date: |
2014-08-05 18:47:13 |
Comments[249]: Wonderful cars
Your Name: |
G.P. Dorris, IV |
Your Location: |
St. Louis, MO |
Date: |
2014-07-22 13:38:05 |
Comments[248]: Sandy Rose asked me to check out your page.
Your Name: |
David Leidel |
Your Location: |
Texas |
Date: |
2014-07-05 20:43:14 |
Comments[247]: A 1909 Sears Motor Buggy appears at an impromptu auto show in the parking lot of our local supermarket on Friday nights. I might that Revell produced a 1/32 scale model of the Sears Motor Buggy back in the early 1950s. Thank you for the excellent job on your website. It is very informative.
Your Name: |
Jack Remillard |
Your Location: |
Pendleton, Oregon |
Date: |
2014-04-13 08:58:25 |
Comments[246]: Great site! I am looking for a highwheeler and currently interested in a 1910 Sears. Thanks for the info!
Your Name: |
dow white |
Your Location: |
nj |
Date: |
2014-04-10 08:56:35 |
Comments[245]: Very interesting.
Your Name: |
John Wierzbicki |
Your Location: |
South Brunswick, NJ |
Date: |
2014-03-23 19:04:22 |
Comments[244]: Thanks for the info about the Sears
motor car. I first stumbled on it in a
book The Complete Encyclopedia of
Motorcars 1885 to present(1969) edited
by G.N.Georgano. I am a retired
autoworker(GM) and recently restored my
1979 Pontiac Trans Am. I love reading
the history of the automobile, going to
car shows and watching Jay Leno's Garage
online. Many thanks, John.
Your Name: |
G. Sandy Rose |
Your Location: |
Arlington, TX |
Date: |
2014-02-26 23:53:36 |
Comments[243]: John:
Just a big thanks for your site..it came out just as I started restoration work on my 1909 Sears, in 2008, along with the Sears Motor Buggy Registry.
Every time I visit this site, I learn someting else...
You web site has also brought Sears owners together @ The Old Car Festival in 2009, 11 & 13! Many new friends made and resources shared.
This site has also assisted in adding many Sears cars to the Registry; now up to about 235, worldwide.
Your Name: |
D Holland |
Your Location: |
Tulsa OK |
Date: |
2014-01-13 17:37:57 |
Comments[242]: Talking with my 84 year old mother about
items sold in the catalog ages ago.
August Osage County broght the topic up.
The car I ermember people talking about.
Wish I knew if any of my relatives ever
bought one. How fun!!!
Your Name: |
Diana Keith |
Your Location: |
Kearney, NE |
Date: |
2013-12-12 15:01:00 |
Comments[241]: An update to John Lowe's message of 10/4/11: Mr. Wilke spent an entire day at an auction just to buy the tail light for the Sears when he was restoring it.
Mr. Lowe's 1911 Sears Model G Runabout is now on loan to the Classic Car Collection, Kearney, NE. We are located on the east side of Cabela's, on HWY 30 in Kearney and are open 7 days a week. You can see Mr. Lowe's car and over 190 other cars in the collection. See our web page: www.ClassicCarCollection.org
Your Name: |
Michael Spors |
Your Location: |
Spanaway, Wa |
Date: |
2013-11-14 18:43:30 |
Comments[240]: Seen my 1st Sears about 2 weeks ago. Really simple car. Like it. We just got it here at the Lemay Family Collection.
Your Name: |
Rob Welter |
Your Location: |
Redmond, WA |
Date: |
2013-10-11 10:53:41 |
Comments[239]: Very cool web site. The Branson Auction Fall 2013 sale catalog has listed a "1905 Sears Model K Autobuggy." The item piqued my curiousity and I found this site through a web search. From the info here it seems pretty unlikely that the vehicle for sale was built in 1905, but no matter, all just very interesting to me. I'll keep this in the back of my mind for a possible future toy.
Thanks John!
Your Name: |
Chris & Nicki Acker |
Your Location: |
Delaware, OH |
Date: |
2013-09-27 20:29:05 |
Comments[238]: We have a beautifully restored Sears, serial # 1223. It is in wonderful condition. If you would like to see it contact us at our email address.
Your Name: |
Eric |
Your Location: |
San Diego, Calif. |
Date: |
2013-09-26 14:00:30 |
Comments[237]: Saw an article about these in the Horseless Carriage Gazette and thought these were pretty cool. I restore old Volkswagens, and am noticing a lot of similarities in the Sears and VWs. Maybe one day I'll be fortunate enough to find or build something like a Sears buggy.
Your Name: |
Charles Foreman |
Your Location: |
Walker, MO |
Date: |
2013-09-04 21:32:26 |
Comments[236]: Dear sir, Thank you for your researching the automobile sold by Sears in 1909. I have a picture of a 1909 Sears auto that my grandfather bought by mail and it came to the rail depot in Walker, MO. My Mother told me that a large crowd gathered to see it in a crate carried out of the rail car. She said it was uncrated and wheels were installed. No one knew how to drive so it was towed behind a spring wagon to their farm seven miles in the country. My mother was born in 1901 so was 8 years old. A sister about 20 yrs old was instructed as to how to steer it but no one told her how to use the brakes. In going down a hill it ran up into the wagon and broke a headlight. She was later taken to Schell City, MO and taught to drive.
My grand parents family lived on top of a large hill (called Dally Hill even to this day by many)and when they took it out to drive it could never get back to the top. Grandfather would go as far as it would and someone would block it with a rock. Grandfather would walk up the hill and get horses and pull it on up. My mother said it wasn't all my Grandfather envisioned but he was proud to have one of the first cars in our county.
And Mister Dally had his Automobile. You see his name was Clifford Washington Dally born 1854 in Knox County Ohio. His grand-father was a John Dally who died in Centerburg, Oh.
Your page is very interesting to me. I have a 1926 Ford T, a 1941 Chevy Coupe, a 1953 Willys Army Jeep like I drove in Korean War and a 1969 Ford Ranchero. Thank you and would appreciate hearing from you.
Charles E. Foreman
14695 S C Hwy
Walker, MO 64790
Your Name: |
doug |
Your Location: |
canada but now in panama |
Date: |
2013-07-11 13:59:15 |
Comments[235]: GREAT SITE , retired and living in panama and
being a welder/fitter /drag racer i now need
something to build ,have a 10hp chinese diesel
1 cyl off a old generator and just need info on
how they build the tranny stuff . Justgetting
started and looking here for buggy wheels ,i
will bookmark and be back ,a ton of info and
photos ,just what i need .thanks have having
this site
Your Name: |
lara |
Your Location: |
Arlington Heights, IL |
Date: |
2013-05-21 05:37:05 |
Comments[234]: Hi! I stumbled across your site when
researching information for my site about
Sears Modern Homes. I have a scan of a
full-page ad for the Motor Buggies from
the Chicago Tribune dated Nov 1909 that
you might want. Please email me and I can
send it to you.
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How to contact me...
John M. Daly
(815) 786-4824 |